Welcome to the short English language section of the website.
My name is Pawel Raszkiewicz and already in childhood my fascination with self-discovery and eastern philosophies has sparked my interest in Daoist arts. Over the years I have had the pleasure of meeting really outstanding teachers with the most influential remaining Master Tsu of whom I have been a closed door student for over a decade and Li Shifu, the abbot of Five Immortals Temple in Wudang but I’m not here to brag about the workshops that I have attended or the courses I have completed. My only aspiration is to continue spreading the knowledge that I have received of which I’m only a mere bearer, a small link hoping to connect the wisdom of great masters with those of you who I have been blessed to teach myself. Always trying to do this with integrity and as an act of gratidude to my teachers by striving to maintain the true spirit of this path for the benefit of yourselves and everyone around.
As of now I’m offering lessons in Taijiquan 37 form, various Qigong sets and the fundamentals of Daoist meditation as an online tuition or in person here in the Rospuda Valley of northeastern Poland. For more information please contact me via info@drogadao.pl